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Local Rules

Local Rules

Repair Works. Any area of the course where a ball comes to rest where there is obvious contractors’ damage in connection with tree clearance, drainage and other remedial work and/or has been recently seeded, is designated as “Abnormal Course Conditions”. If such an area interferes with the player’s stance or the area of intended swing the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b without penalty (one club length from the nearest point of complete relief not in a hazard or on a puttinggreen).

No Play Zones – The Driving Range within the penalty area defined by Red Posts on the left of holes 14, 15 and 16 are no play zones that are treated as penalty areas and relief MUST be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 17.1e.

Ground Under Repair - A player MAY take relief without penalty from any area identified as GUR by being contained within a white line. Relief MUST be taken from any area identified as GUR by being contained within a blue line or by a sign to the effect that the area is a No Play Zone. 

Penalty Areas. The areas of gorse to the right of the 1st and 6th holes, as defined by the red posts, are red penalty areas. Rule 17.1 applies.

Relief from Newly Planted Trees

A player may take relief, without penalty, under Rule 16-1 should their ball, stance or swing be interfered by a newly planted tree.

This will apply to newly planted trees that have wired support or any trees that are staked.

Steps and artificial supports around greens and tees are immovable obstructions, Rule 16.1 applies.

Staked or tagged trees are no play zones and relief without penalty must be taken under Rule 16.1f.

Fixed Sprinkler Heads Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green (Rule 16-1) - Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1. The player also has this extra option to take relief when such immovable obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play:

Ball in General Area. The player may take relief under Rule 16-1b if an immovable obstruction is:

• On the line of play, and is:
• Within two club-lengths of the putting green, and
• Within two club-lengths of the ball

Greenkeepers’ access road - On the play of the 1st Hole or 12th Hole, if a ball either lies on the access road within the area defined by the blue posts between the 1st green and the 6th teeing ground, or if it is known or virtually certain that it landed in that area and has come to rest anywhere else on the course, players may take free relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in the dropping zone, which is defined by the closely mown parts of the 6th tee. The Dropping Zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.

In the play of the 1st Hole or 12th Hole the Greenkeepers compound is treated as an immovable obstruction. If a ball should come to rest there, or it is known or virtually certain that a ball is lost in there, free relief MUST be taken to the Dropping Zone on the 6th Tee.

Roads and Paths (excluding the greenkeepers’ access road – see above) are immovable obstructions – Rule 16.1 applies.

Opposite Side Relief. The reference point for the red penalty area to the right of the 6th hole and the red penalty area running between the 14th and 15th holes may, in addition to that in Rule 17.1, be on the opposite side of the penalty area; the same distance to the hole from where the ball last crossed the edge of the area.

Immovable Obstruction (Rule 16.1). The fence to the right of the 14th fairway bounding the gorse is an immovable obstruction. If a player’s ball is in the general area and there is physical interference caused by the obstruction, the player may take free relief (Rule 14.3).


1) Beyond any fence bounding the course or any white posts used to define out of bounds from time to time inside the course.

2) Beyond the fences of the public right of way behind the 6th hole, to the right of the 9th hole and between the 10th and 11th holes.

3) Internal O.O.B - Beyond the white posts around the greenkeepers’ complex and cottage adjacent to 5th, 13th and 14th holes.

“Out of Bounds” is defined as being beyond posts or fences – the Out of Bounds line is determined by the nearest inside points of the marker or fence posts at ground level. A ball is Out of Bounds when all of it lies out of bounds. Posts and fences are deemed to be fixed obstructions, thus relief is not available.