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Local Rules

Local Rules: (please see detailed explanations and temporary Local Rules posted on the Club Notice Boards).

Out of Bounds, Rule 18.2

Beyond any line of white stakes and any fence boundary of the course, including the car park, clubhouse and all practice areas.

Penalty Areas, Rule 17.

a. Red stakes define Penalty Areas. 
b. Any unmarked ditch, pond, stream or drainage channel is dened as a Red Penalty Area, the margin being the break of the land
c. The Red Penalty Area on Hole 6 extends to and coincides with the out of bounds edge of the course.

Special or Required Relief Procedures:

If in attempting to obtain penalty relief under Rule 19:2(3) from the fence at the back of the greens on holes 7 &18,
for a penalty of one stroke you can drop the ball at the nearest dropping zone.

Alternative to Stroke & Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out Of Bounds, Local Rule E-5

When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds the player may proceed under this Local Rule for a penalty of two strokes. This Local Rule does not apply when a player has hit a provisional ball. 
Note: This Local Rule E-5 does not apply in CONGU qualifying competitions or rounds.

Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions), Rule 16.1.

a. All roads and paths (including surrounding worn areas), bridges and gravel entrances to bridges (only parts outside of the penalty area), pylon supports, benches, winter tees, signs and fixed ball cleaners.
b. The wooden supports next to the 13th green – any player whose ball is lying within one club-length of these supports is entitled to relief in accordance with Rule 16.1.
c. Sprinkler heads next to Putting Greens - a player may also take relief from sprinkler heads on their line of play provided it is both no more than two club-lengths from the ball and the edge of the putting green.
d. Temporary Water and Cracks in the ground in the General Area.
(please note that no line of sight relief is allowed for Pylons or Bridges)

Electricity Lines and Pylons, Local Rule E-11

If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball has hit either an overhead electricity line or the supporting pylon, the stroke is cancelled and the player must play another ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6 for what to do).