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Local Rules

1. OUT OF BOUNDS (RULE 18.2) - All land beyond any white stakes, fences, hedges, and banks bounding the course. NB A ball crossing the road between 4th and 12th holes is out of bounds.


2. STONES IN SAND BUNKERS - are loose impediments relief may be taken under (RULE 12.2a). After raking footprints, please 'smooth rake' the perimeters of bunkers using the back of the rake. Rakes to be left in the middle of bunkers.



  1. Sprinkler heads, bunker drainage plugs, hydrant boxes, wooden steps and grass collection pits as marked by black and white stakes.
  2. young trees, if staked, the ball MUST be lifted.
  3. All access roads through the course (including behind 9th green) and all paths with artificial surfaces, are immovable obstructions. All other paths and tracks are integral parts of the course.


4. TREE PLANTATIONS AND 'SCRAPED' HEATHLAND AREAS (RULE 16.1) - All areas marked by the Green-Keepers; Relief MUST be taken.


5. GROUND UNDER REPAIR - Areas marked as GUR, relief MUST be taken (Rule 16.1a).


6. PENALTY AREA (RULE 17) - Yellow penalty areas marked with (yellow lines or yellow stakes) (Rules17.1d(1) and (2)). Red penalty areas marked with (red lines or red stakes) Rule 17.1d(3)).


7. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Green staff have priority on the course. If in range of your shot, please wait until they are clear or are aware of your intention to play.


8. DISTANCE MARKERS - The wooden posts at the side of the fairways, indicate 150yds to the middle of the green. Fairway sprinkler heads are also marked with yardages to the centre of the green.


9. TROLLEYS IN HEATHER - Trolleys and buggies are to be kept out of the heather and are not to be taken between the greenside bunkers and the green.

Local Rules Update 2024


10th & 16th Holes: - GUR (No Play Zones) – Areas on the carry sections of these holes have been roped off and are treated as GUR, these are ‘No Play Zones’ and relief must be taken under rule 16.1b or in the drop zones provided.


11th Hole: GUR (No Play Zone) – An area on the left-hand side of the fairway and into the semi-rough has been roped off as GUR. Relief must be taken under Rule 16.1b


17th Hole: GUR (No Play and No Retrieval Zone) – The flood damaged section of fairway, including the temporary bridge and sand path, have been white lined to define the GUR. Relief mustbe taken in one of the three drop zones now provided. Posts & ropes are in place to stop golfers crossing over into the area.

  • Players must use the nearest drop zone, there is one front left, one front right and the original one in the fairway.
  • Players must not retrieve golf balls from the roped muddy area, a new ball must be dropped.

This area contains water, mud and silt and is deemed unfit for any golfing traffic. Muddy footprints will contaminate the green and surrounding areas. The green keepers will collect lost balls on a weekly basis, and they will be placed in a bucket for collection near the 18thtee.

Note: There is a second, separate area of GUR which is near the 18th tee, and it encircles the large alpine style tree. This area may be treated as normal GUR with relief taken under 16.1b and balls may be retrieved.


14th Hole: 

Penalty Area - The ditch running across the 14th Fairway is now marked as a Penalty Area (Red Stakes)

The penalty area is defined by the edge of the ditch.

A ball coming to rest in the ditch is deemed to be in the Penalty Area.

Relief is obtained under Rule 17.1d


Winter Rules will be lifted from Thursday 16th May

Note: Preferred lies remain in place for the 14th hole, for the area cut to fairway height beyond the ditch and up to the green only.