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Local Rules

1 For the purposes of Rule 1.3 a, the Terms of the Competition shall include the DGC’s Specific Competition Conditions, General Competition Conditions, Code of Conduct, Pace of Play & Suspension of Play Policies each of which are deemed to be incorporated into these Local Rules.

2 Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)

Beyond the course-side edge of any wall, fence, hedge, line of white stakes or any white line defining the boundary of the course including, the edge of any internal out of bounds; In or beyond the ditch to the right of the 5th hole; In or beyond the gully at the rear of the 18th green; On or beyond the course-side kerb bordering the footpath to the 1st tee.

3 Penalty Areas (Rule 17)

All penalty areas are Red Penalty Areas from which relief may be taken under rule 17. The edges of the penalty areas are defined as follows:

  1. Where lines are used, the edge of the penalty area is the course side edge and stakes are solely for visibility to players;
  2. Where stakes alone are used, the edge of the penalty area is the course side edge of the stakes at ground level;
  3.  If there are no stakes or lines, the edge of the penalty area is the natural margin of the area concerned.

4 Ground Under Repair (Rule 16.1) – PLAYERS MUST TAKE RELIEF FROM GUR

  1. Any area encircled by a blue line.
  2. Any area of damaged ground in the general area that is considered by an appointed referee to be GUR.

5 Integral Parts of the Course

Wooden sleepers to the rear of the 5th & 11th teeing grounds are an integral part of the course. The ball must be played as it lies or declared unplayable (Rule 19).

6 Young Trees identified by being staked (whether attached or not) or plastic protected are no play zones:

If a player’s ball lies on or touches such a tree or it interferes with a player’s stance or area of swing the player MUST take free relief under Rule 16.1f, or if the ball lies in a Penalty Area take penalty relief Rule 17.1e or free relief Rule 17.1e(2).

7 Immovable Obstructions (Rule 16.1) include:

  1. All artificially surfaced roads, paths and winter tees on the course, including those covered with wood chips and areas where the artificial surfacing material has been transferred. All other paths and tracks are integral parts of the course.
  2. White lined areas adjoining any immovable obstruction are part of the obstruction and not ground under repair.
  3. Stone-filled drainage ditches or channels.
  4. Sleepers or wooden boards within bunkers.

7.1 Relief from interference by the above may be taken under Rule 16.1.

7.2 If the ball is in the General Area the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is on the line of play, and within two club-lengths of the putting green, and within two club-lengths of the ball. Exception - No Relief If Line of Play Clearly Unreasonable.

8 Dropping Zones

Drop Zones are an area within 1 club length of the nearest White Stake with 2 black bands (usually marked DZ).

A ball coming to rest: a) Beyond the footpath between the 1st green and 4th tee, b) Beyond the footpath between the 4th green and 5th tee, c) In the hedges at the rear of the 1st & 5th holes, d) Against the chain link fence to the right of the 1st green, e) Against the iron railings to the right of the 5th green may be: played as it lies, or picked & dropped in the nearest drop zone under penalty of 1 stroke, or deemed unplayable (Rule 28).

9 Aeration Holes on the Putting Green

If the players ball lies in or touches an aeration hole on the putting green the player may take relief under Rule 16.1d. No interference if the aeration hole only interferes with the player’s stance or line of play.

10 Wrong Green (Rule 13.1f) includes the fringe of the green.

11 Tree Roots If these interfere with the player’s ball (but not stance) in the General Area on grass fairway height or less free relief is available under Rule 16.1b.

12 Suspension of Play Players MUST comply with Suspension of Play Policy.

The Penalty for breach of a local rule (unless otherwise specified) is the General Penalty.